Monday 4 May 2020

Natural remedies: High blood pressure regulation
Natural remedies: High blood pressure can easily be controlled if you know what you’re eating. For example, an easy and effective remedy is to take lemon juice with coconut water or consume garlic capsules daily. These ingredients have properties that help control blood pressure.
Although these home remedies are helpful in supplementing treatment for high blood pressure; they should only be taken under the guidance of the cardiologist, as they are not a substitute for medications prescribed by physicians.
7 Natural remedies: High blood pressure
1. Garlic “water”
Garlic water is an excellent way to regulate blood pressure because it stimulates the production of nitric oxide. This gas has a strong vasodilator action, which facilitates blood circulation and reduces pressure on the heart.
In addition to this, garlic is an excellent ally to maintain cardiovascular health of any person. Because it has incredible antioxidant and protective properties of blood vessels that prevent the emergence of problems such as atherosclerosis.
A great way to consume garlic is to drink garlic flavored water or its capsules throughout the day.
  • 1 raw garlic clove, shelled and crushed;
  • 100 ml of water.
Preparation method
Put the garlic clove in a glass of water and let it steep for 6 to 8 hours (while sleeping, for example). Then drink on an empty stomach the next morning, or make a liter of garlic water and drink throughout the day.
It can also be ingested throughout the day with food, being easier to ingest than water. A good tip is to add some garlic cloves to olive oil. Thus, whenever you use olive oil, in addition to consuming a good fat, you will also be using the properties of garlic.
2. Lemon juice
A good home remedy to control high blood pressure is to drink lemonade mixed with coconut water; they have diuretic properties that help regulate blood pressure.
  • 3 lemons;
  • 200 ml of coconut water.
Preparation method
Mix the ingredients very well and drink once a day.
3. Birdseed tea
Another home remedy for high blood pressure is to prepare birdseed water or make an infusion. It’s a food rich in antioxidants and other components that have vasodilatory properties, helping to lower blood pressure.
  • 1 tbsp of canary seed;
  • 1 cinnamon stick;
  • 500 ml of water.
Preparation method
Place the ingredients in a pot and boil for 5 minutes. Cover the pot and let it steep for about 10 minutes, then you can strain and drink it next. Take 2 to 3 cups a day.
4. Blueberry juice
This little fruit is an excellent source of antioxidants. Fights diseases like cancer and preventing early aging, blueberries also help lower blood pressure, especially when consumed daily.
Likewise, its action seems to be more noticeable in people with a high cardiovascular risk. Such as obese people with metabolic syndrome, and may be used as a complementary treatment indicated by a doctor.
  • 1 cup of blueberries;
  • ½ glass of water;
  • Juice of ½ lemon.
Preparation method
Blend all the ingredients until you get a homogeneous mixture. This juice should be consumed 1 to 2 times per day.
5. Hibiscus flower tea
The Jamaica flower, also known as hibiscus, it’s widely used during weight loss process. However, this plant has other important effects, such as lowering blood pressure. This occurs because it is rich in anthocyanins, which are flavonoids that help regulate tension.
However, for best results, use the darker flower calyces. Calyxes are the structures that connect the flower’s tail to the petals. The darker the flowers, the greater the amount of anthocyanins and the greater their effect in reducing blood pressure.
  • 1 to 2 grams of jamaica flower;
  • 1 cup of boiling water.
Preparation method
Place the calyxes of the jamaica flower inside the cup and let stand for 5 to 10 minutes. Then strain and drink 1 to 2 times per day, keeping at least 8 hours of interval between one cup and another.
***Although no studies have yet been verified, hibiscus may be toxic above the daily dose of 6 grams. Therefore, it is advisable not to increase the indicated dose.
Jamaica flower tea can taste quite bitter, so if necessary, you can add a small tablespoon of stevia or honey to sweeten it.
6. Horsetail tea
Horsetail tea is an excellent natural diuretic that increases urine production and the elimination of excess fluids in the body. This makes it an excellent ally to lower blood pressure in people who suffer from fluid retention; since excess water in the body causes more stress on the heart, worsening cases of hypertension.
However, this tea should only be used when there is a problem with fluid retention. Also, it should not be consumed for more than 1 week in a row,
  • 2 to 3 tablespoons of dried horsetail leaves;
  • 500 ml of boiling water.
Preparation method
Place the horsetail leaves in the boiling water and let sit for 5 to 10 minutes. Then strain and drink warm. This tea can be consumed 2 to 3 times per day. (no more than a week in a row)
7. Valerian root
These roots contain excellent soothing and relaxing properties that help improve blood circulation. In addition to this, because it’s very calming and acts directly on the GABA neurotransmitter.
This tea can be used especially in people who have frequent anxiety attacks, which can increase blood pressure.
  • 5 grams of valerian root;
  • 1 cup of boiling water.
Preparation method
Place the valerian root in a cup with the boiling water, letting it steep for 5 to 10 minutes. Strain and drink 2-3 times a day.
***In some people this tea can cause drowsiness during the day, in these cases, it should be used only at bedtime.
For additional effective natural remedies, I have published an article on my blog about this topic. Feel free to read it any time.
Stay healthy!

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