Monday 18 May 2020

How to caramelize Onion!!
Caramelization is a process that causes volatile chemicals such as diacetyl to be released. This in turn produces a caramel flavor making your onion both sweet and a little nutty. The best Spanish omelettes depend on this chemical process (for both the onion and the potato) to provide the rich, sweet, nutty flavor it is famous for. Most foods can be caramelized to a certain extent but it works best on onions.
… Spanish omelette
… caramelized onion, turkey, stilton and rocket tart
Next time when you cook onions, a small batch cook on low heat for around 5 to 7 minutes making sure they do not brown too much. Then taste them and Enjoy. A simple caramelized onion tart is a wonder to behold.
… the middle one is the best. When caramelizing remember: cook on medium-low heat and slowly; slices onion medium or thick not thin; if you use butter add some oil as well or it will burn; do not crowd the pan; and de-glaze the pan after use, the resultant liquid is sensational for gravy.

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