Thursday 18 June 2020

Some animals don't like publicity!!



  1. The Dracula Parrot. Looks Evil, eats nothing but figs.
2. The princess didn't touch me.
The Black Rain Frog.
3. The male peacock Spider performing his mating display.
4. Keep Photographing and you're next!
A mean Gorilla.
5. I'm gonna blow my nose.
A Hooded Seal with an inflated nose to attract a female.
6. Guinean Cock of the Rock.
7. A Tarsier looking Dark as hell.
8. The Cassowary. Considered the most dangerous bird in the world.
9. Crab hanging off iguanas. The crabs eat the dead parasites on the iguana's skin.
10. Whachu lookin at?
The Sunda Flying Lemur.
11. The head of a Tapeworm under an electron Microscope. If we weren't terrified of tapeworms already.
12. Wolf Camaraderie!
13. Gotta catch em all
Piraputanga fish gathers some fruits.
14. The Masobe Gecko
15. An Albino Sulcata Tortoise
16. The Margay also called the Mini Jaguar.
17. The Takahe from New Zealand.
18. Short toed snake eagle, no prizes for guessing what she's eating.
19. Greater Sage Grause.
Those aren't eggs. This is a male and those huge egg like things are sacs on his neck that inflate as part of his courtship display.
20. The American Luna Moth
21. Sunbathing
Jellyfish chilling.
22. Up in Flames
A Kookaburra looking on after its home was destroyed by bush fires
23. A vine snake looking happy as hell.
24. Larval Octopus with a transparent head
25. Weeee!
Bungee jumping Spider.

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