Friday 15 May 2020

Breadfruit can be found throughout much of Southeast Asia, South India, and the Pacific Islands, and in parts of Africa and the Caribbean.
Custard Apple
The custard apple has no similarity in taste or texture to the apples we know and love.
If there is any food famous for its putrid smell, it is durian, a tropical fruit that's native to Indonesia and Malaysia.
Jackfruit, which is believed to have originated in India, comes from the same family as breadfruit but is a different species.
Native to several South American countries, including Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Paraguay, and Bolivia, jabuticaba grow from the trunk of the tree.
Langsat is a small, orb-shaped fruit that originated in Malaysia and is now found across Southeast Asia.
Found in Indonesia and across much of Southeast Asia as well as in Colombia, mangosteens have a thick, eggplant-colored shell that can be difficult to open without a knife (and that might stain your fingers purple).
Native to Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean, sapodilla can also be found throughout much of Southeast Asia.
Native to Indonesia and Malaysia, the rambutan is a small fruit similar to the lychee.
Known as snake fruit or snakeskin fruit. The fruit earned its name given its snakeskin-like exterior, which you peel away to reveal a white-colored fruit inside.

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