Friday 5 June 2020

Many Muslims and critics of Islam do not justify while speaking about Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and exaggerate things in their own way. A person who wants to read about Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) get confused and unable to reach between the lines. As a student of history, I was always keen to know how Prophet Muhammad influenced Arab society that later emerged at the horizon of the world under the umbrella of Islam. Even if I keep aside my religious beliefs, there are many takeaways from the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Before understanding both Islam and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), it is most important to understand the geographical and political dynamics of Arab society in the eye of history. I would clear one thing this is not a religious answer.
The word “Arab” comes from the somitic term, which means “wandering” or “nomadic”. The Arabs were mainly nomadic tribes who used to spend their summer near oasis. These nomadic tribes had a tradition of spending their days in the South of Yemen during fall and rainy season. The prime Arab land (today’s Saudi Arabia) was mostly desert and barren land. At the Eastern end they had a border with the Sassanids Empire and at the Northwest Levant were under the jurisdiction of the Roman Empire. If I wrap up, the Arabs were lacking centralized leadership or a person who could cheer up with more enthusiasm, power, and energy.
Makkah was owned and ruled by Quraysh who was descendant of Fihr ibn Malik. The Quraysh tribe was divided in 10 sub-tribes. Bani Hashim was one of the branches of Quraysh who were the custodians of Kaa’baa. Though Bani Hashim wasn't the wealthiest tribe, but they were known for their dignity and humbleness.
570 A.D a year when Prophet Muhammad was born in the sands of Arabia.
Muhammad lost his father Abdullah prior to his birth. His mother Amina passed away when he was hardly 6 years old. He lost his grandfather Abdul Mutalib 2 years later. His uncle Abu Talib took the custody of Muhammad, who later helped him to become a trader. He had a complicated childhood but these events later helped him established leader.
Muhammad with the passing team earned his reputation as a trader and was known as “Al-Sadiq” (truthful) and “Al-Amin” (trustworthy) in Arab. Khadija who was approx 15 years elder than Muhammad sent a proposal that was accepted by Muhammad.
When Muhammad announced his prophecy, his close family members and tribesman went against him. They weren't ready to accept the change. You may disagree with Muhammad on number of things but you will have to agree with honesty, Muhammad at the other hand was offering something exceptional to the Arab society which was rare before. [1]
The 13 years of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his Sahabas (companions) in Makkah were intense, but they didn't fumble. Muhammad and his companions later settled in Madina where Ansar (the Muslims of Madina) embraced them with open heart and arms. Even if you exclude Islam for a while, Muhammad’s message of brotherhood, peace, and social values was attracting the Arab society. Muhammad and his companions later faced Kuffars of Makkah, Sassanids of Persia, and Romans of Byzantium in the battlefield for their survival and it was inevitable if you understand warfare.
The success of Muhammad as a leader as well as Prophet was not a fluke but the result of his consistent hardwork, determination, enthusiasm, and brilliance. This cannot be a fortune or luck where the majority of Arab embraced Islam before his death on June 8, 632.
In the final years of his life when Makkah was conquered, he pardons his fierce enemies. Muhammad through this act earned more dignity and set classic example. Abu-Bakr, Umar, Usman, and Ali later contributed to Islam to where it stands today.
If you read the autobiography of Muhammad like a historian, I’m pretty much sure you will learn number of things about him.

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