Tuesday 5 May 2020

If it was dictated by this unlettered man (Peace be upon him), then it begs the question why didn’t Quran spend more time speaking about him. Why does the Quran spend the most time speaking about a man named Moses (as) that lived at least 2000 years before Muhammad (saw) (14–15th century Before Christ B.C) on a different continent, N.Africa? That is very strange. Why would Quran mention a man who lived 600 years before him, Jesus, more than himself? Why does Quran continuously debunk the idea that God has a son in multiple places? Why would Quran dedicate an entire chapter on the story of Joseph (Yusuf), who lived over 2600 years before him? Why does Quran mention Adam so many times, more than Muhammad (Saw). Why does Quran have complete love for Abraham and a chapter is named after him? Quran goes so far as to call this man Abraham an entire nation. The Quran should have praised Muhammad more, and called him an entire nation. Shouldn’t he spend time explaining his own ideology rather than telling stories of people that lived centuries even millennium before him? Obviously the one who wrote it is trying to tell us a pattern within the stories. A predictable pattern that humans play. History does repeat itself.
If you say he copied from parts of the Bible, Torah then you are clearly lying because it contradicts those texts in many areas. It is more detailed in explaining some stories. If he did take out the ‘good’ of both texts, then how does he know which one is ‘good’ and which one is ‘bad’ to leave out for future audience? How does he know the moral significance of the stories? How could a desert illiterate Arab know it will be significant after 1400 years? I dare you to compare those Prophets mentioned in the Quran, in the Bible, and Torah side by side and see what they say. The differences will baffle you.
Why would he give honor and respect to a family that is not directly related to him? Although they share lineage through ancestry DNA, it is not obvious.
Allah (God) did choose Adam and Noah, the family of Abraham, and the family of 'Imran above all people,- (Surah Al-Imran, 33)
Why not honor his own Mother? Why does he honor not only Mary, the mother of Jesus, but her entire family? This seems very strange. He was in complete love over a family that he never met, while debasing and according to Abu Lahab (Surah al-Masad) destroying the teachings of his own forefathers/tribe. His own Arab tribe tried to assassinate him while he praised Prophets that he never met, and lived in different land called Jerusalem. He was placing his own life on the line for this. But even still he had this strange love for Mecca, and was almost had an obsession to turn his face to that direction of that city during the most loved act for him, prayer. He was also weeping when he was forced to leave his city due to sanctions and persecution.
Why does the tone in the Quran give the impression that someone is speaking to someone else? It has sentences like “if they ask you concerning…then say…?” No one writes like that. You are only a messenger Muhammad. Why does it downplay Muhammad’s (Saw) authority over the Quran? Why does Quran praise the Creator while decreasing the authority of Muhammad (Saw)? If you compare Prophet’s speech with the Quran it is obvious it has a different tone, style, flow. A professional stylometry test can reveal this. They did it with Shakespeare, then you can do it for a 1400 old text that is still relevant today.
His story clearly showed he was not after power, fame, money, women, possessions, recognition. He was presented with it all and he replied “if you give me the sun on my right hand and the moon on my left, I will not stop my message” i.e. If you gave him all the power and the things of this world, he would not stop what he was doing. He was on a mission that far surpassed his limited existence.
“Or do they say: “He (Prophet Muhammad) has forged it (this Quran)?” Nay! They believe not! Let them then produce a recitation like it if they are truthful.” (Quran 52:33-34)

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