Wednesday 6 May 2020

When World War II began, Nazi Germany had an unimaginable advantage. For many years, the Nazis were ready for war, but the Allied countries did not know what happened.
If Adolf Hitler was destined to fail and move quickly, then he would never start a military operation. Germany held four trump cards at the beginning of the war, but Hitler's costly decisions in the process turned Germany's advantage into a disadvantage. If they make these decisions in different ways, then the Nazis may win the war.
Germany invaded the United Kingdom instead of the Soviet Union
The German invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941 proved to be a disruption of Hitler ’s military operations. Hitler sent 4.5 million troops to invade a country that signed a non-aggression treaty with him. This was a fatal mistake, because Britain was Germany ’s most painful enemy and was near powerless.
After the defeat of France, Britain made a pragmatic decision to withdraw its troops from France due to a powerful land and air assault from Germany. As the British retreat, they had to leave most of the heavy armory behind them. At the moment Germany invaded the Soviet Union, the British army lacked heavy weapons and automobile transportation. They also lacked operational concepts and experience to resist German invasion.
Hitler made a costly mistake, not to kill. [1] Instead, he chose to contact the Soviet Union, a decision that eased pressure on Britain. This allowed the country to revive the army and continue to fight Germany during the Second World War.
Because Hitler did not prepare for the winter war, the Soviet invasion had a huge impact on the German military machine. The German army never recovered from the Soviet Union's winter counterattack. By the end of 1942, the Germans were fighting defensively in the Soviet Union.
Germany has not declared a war against the United States
During World War II, a huge mistake of Nazi Germany was to declare war on the United States. If Germany acts cautiously in this regard, the United States may not formally declare war on Germany.
Even if the US finally did so, it might be much later, and the Germans could have given themselves enough time to fight the enemy. Some historians believe that although Germany and the United States are informally at war, if Germany does not explicitly declare war on the United States, then Americans may not be fully committed to war in Europe.
For the same reason, the torch operation of the Allied invasion of North Africa (controlled by the axis) may be carried out with the least involvement of the United States. This will bring more time to the Germans and may make changes for the Nazis. [2]
No massacre
The massacre was a systematic and state-sponsored torture under the Nazi regime and the murder of six million Jews. This is also the biggest mistake the Nazis committed during the war.
Killing innocent Jews, including women and children, portrays Adolf Hitler as a brutal dictator with animal instincts. This is crucial to the success of mobilizing large-scale military efforts for Germany.
In addition, Hitler wasted a lot of human and material resources in implementing racist torture and murdering innocent and non-combat Jews. If Hitler avoids such atrocities, it will be more difficult for the Allied countries to mobilize large-scale military reactions that will eventually lead to the collapse of the Third Reich.
Germany and Japan coordinated the Soviet invasion
When Germany coordinated with Japan and forced the Soviet Union to fight on two fronts, it made a serious mistake by invading the Soviet Union. One reason why the Soviet Union ’s winter counterattack successfully left Moscow only a few kilometers was because the Soviets were able to use Siberia ’s well-equipped and well-trained troops to strengthen the army.
These recruits stopped and repulsed the German soldiers who were hit by the winter. If Hitler coordinated with Japan during the Soviet campaign, this would be the most likely scenario: as German soldiers advanced from the West, Japan would invade the Soviet Union from the East.
Japan could have rescued Soviet military reinforcements from the edge of defeat by their German invaders. In addition, the huge size of the Soviet Union allowed it to trade space in time. If Germany and Japan invaded the Soviet Union at the same time, the Soviet Union would not have such luxury.
Hitler did not interfere with the combat strategy
Hitler ’s interference in the combat strategy caused more harm than the joint efforts of the Allies. He bypassed the generals on the Eastern Front and served as the army's daily combat command.
To make matters worse, Hitler did not consider any point of view different from his own. He issued an order based on his view of reality. From his headquarters in Germany, Hitler used information that was too old when he arrived to guide the actions of various departments of the Eastern Front. [5]
For example, Hitler ’s instructions that the German army should stand firm in Moscow opposed the advice of his officers on the ground. It caused the death of a million German soldiers.
In addition, some historians believe that it is not only the firepower of the Allied forces that made the Allied invasion of Normandy successful. Hitler refused to listen to wise military advisers and played an important role in France ’s defeat of the German army.
Hitler did not order the bombing of British cities
The German bombing of the United Kingdom was initially limited to military and industrial targets, aimed at weakening British self-defense capabilities. In fact, Germany has made significant progress in bombing military installations, especially British Air Force bases and airports.
When the Royal Air Force (the Royal Air Force) carried out a retaliatory airstrike on Berlin, Hitler lost his temper, ignoring the significant progress made by the German Air Force against the British Air Force. In September 1940, several British airports and air bases were destroyed.
When Hitler gave a breather and ordered German aircraft to bomb British cities, especially London, the Royal Air Force was jumping on one leg. This gave the Royal Air Force enough time to repair its airports and bases, and return to the battlefield in a fully loaded manner.
Hitler did not stop the pursuit of the British army in Dunkirk
In May 1940, German infantry units and several tank units searched for 350,000 British soldiers in Dunkirk. Armored tank troops are on the verge of surrounding the British army, and the German Air Force (German Air Force) carried out an unimpeded bombardment of the enemy.
Suddenly, Hitler gave a "stop" command. Hitler did not let the fast-driving tanks and tanks surpass the British Expeditionary Force (BEF), but hoped that the slow-moving infantry unit could accomplish this task.
The British military headquarters used Hitler ’s mistakes to mobilize ships, yachts, fishing boats, rowboats and lifeboats to evacuate BEF. In the end, only 40,000 British soldiers were occupied by Germans.
If Hitler allowed the armored forces to continue their pursuit, the Germans could have captured more British troops. Like France, Britain may have surrendered early in the war.
Germany did not invade Greece
Hitler believed that if he invaded the Soviet Union in May 1941, he would surpass Moscow by winter. Some historians believe that if Germany did not invade Greece, Hitler's reasoning may be accurately explained.
Following Italy's fiasco in Greece, Hitler decided to save the Italians. Historians believe that entering Greece delayed the Soviet invasion by six weeks. [8] If Hitler did not enter Greece in April 1941, the Soviet attack might have occurred earlier, and Moscow would collapse before winter.
Germany did not fight on two fronts
The fact that Germany fought on two fronts played a crucial role in their defeat. The Nazis were fighting against Britain and the United States against the West, while they fought against the East in the Soviet Union. This is a fatal decision for Germany.
If the Nazis fought one line at a time, the course of the war may be different. On June 22, 1941, the Soviet Union's invasion transformed a frontline war in the exhausted British war into two fronts. The Eastern Front absorbed about three-quarters of German troops, causing two-thirds of German casualties. [9]
Many historians wonder why Hitler committed the fatal mistake of invading the Soviet Union before Britain surrendered. If Hitler invaded Britain and waited patiently for war before moving to the east, he would put war on the front line.
With the failure of the United Kingdom, it is almost impossible for the United States to have a business base in Europe. Even if this has become possible, it will allow Germany enough time to figure out how to subdue the United States.
Hitler transferred military resources to the Soviet Union, allowing Britain sufficient time to rebuild military power and allowing the United States to obtain a stronghold on the Western Front. If Hitler is more cautious and limits the war to one front at a time, then there is no doubt that World War II will benefit Germany.
In addition, historians believe that if Hitler had not violated the non-aggression treaty, the Soviets, who used Stalin as the dictator, could become the power of the Axis powers. Hitler could have opposed the Soviet Union at the most convenient time.
Germany is more patient before starting the war
One of the main reasons for the defeat of the Nazi wars was that before they were fully prepared for this, they started a global military operation. One disadvantage of this decision is that the German navy is not ready to fight the Second World War.
Although the United States has aircraft carriers and several surface ships, the German naval war mainly relied on U-boats. After the First World War, the Treaty of Versailles banned the accumulation of huge military power from Germany. The German Navy and Air Force were not built until 1935. [10]
Surprisingly, by 1939, Germany had begun a war on a global scale. But Hitler had only four years to prepare it. If he waits another ten years, Germany will have more time to develop a military force that could have been won on such a large scale.

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