Thursday 14 May 2020

Qur'aanic manuscripts hasn't been tempered with or changed, Just different font and style, and spelling.

They don’t show that they have been tampered with. This is the claim by people who haven't even seen it or have no knowledge of Islaam and Arabic whatsoever.
The differences are in the way words are spelled.Firstly, I have seen many of the manuscripts and have studied them.
The Topkapi Manuscript
It is identical to the Qur'aan we have today, except differences in spelling. Here's a few pictures showing their text and differences in spelling (found at the bottom)
Notice how words such as على are spelled as علا . These differences are found all over the almost complete Qur'an manuscript. Do they show alteration? Obviously not. These are the 2270 differences between the Qur'aan today and the Topkapi Manuscripts.
The Birmingham Manuscripts
This is an excellent proof to show that the Qur'aan hasn't been changed.Researchers and those who have actually seen the manuscripts say they are identical to the Qur'aan we have today! This is the oldest manuscript we have, dating to a few years after the Prophet!
The following is from researchers who have seen the manuscripts:
There are about 17 spelling differences, and other than these, it is perfectly identical.
What about Daniel Brubaker's book?
The book lists some minor differences across many manuscripts. No new verses were added or removed! Differences may be due to scribal errors such as accidental omission of words etc.

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