Tuesday 29 September 2020

 Tesla Releases New Technologies on Battery Day, Will Benefit Chinese Industrial Chain Firms

Tesla Releases New Technologies on Battery Day, Will Benefit Chinese Industrial Chain FirmsTesla Releases New Technologies on Battery Day, Will Benefit Chinese Industrial Chain Firms

(Yicai Global) Sept. 23 -- Tesla held a Battery Day event at its California plant yesterday and released new battery technologies able to reduce costs and raise efficiency. Chinese supply chain companies are expected to benefit from these technologies, securities analysts said.

The new Tabless battery cells, which Tesla calls 4680 cells, will generate a 14 percent reduction in cost per kilowatt-hour and a 16 percent increase in range, five times more energy capacity and six times more power. Tesla omitted the tab, a flap on the battery that connects the cell and the vehicle it powers, to attain these gains. The company also plans to primarily use cheaper nickel instead of cobalt in the long run to cut the price in half.

These changes will enable Tesla to develop a USD25,000 electric car within three years, the US new energy vehicle maker's Chief Executive Elon Musk said.

Battery technologies Tesla released for the occasion are future directions that are currently limited by their revolutionary nature, Changjiang Securities stated. The firm unveiled these technologies earlier, it noted, adding Chinese companies are also exploring them, but hitting on how to industrialize them is the key.

The Silicon Valley-based EV maker has been advancing battery technologies to reduce costs and increase efficiency, and the supply chain is expected to benefit from these technologies, CITIC Securities said in a research report. China's lithium battery raw material and equipment suppliers have the strongest competitiveness worldwide and are expected to become direct Tesla suppliers. Further reducing costs and raising production of Tesla's vehicles is good for the firm's supply chain, such as traditional parts, thermal management and automotive electronics.

Tesla is expected to advance battery technology and reduce costs and thus advance the popularity of electric vehicles and accelerate the transformation of the automotive and energy industries. Leading firms in China's EV supply chain and lithium battery industry are globally competitive and are thus poised to reap the benefits of global EV sales growth, CITIC Securities said.

Tuesday 25 August 2020


The cave with a thousand coffins: Chinese leave wooden caskets to rot away in the belief it will allow the souls of the departed into heaven

  • Curious tradition is believed to have been practised since ancient times in southwest China's Guizhou Province

Hundreds of thousands of wooden coffins are left to slowly rot away in dank Chinese caves in the belief it will let the souls of the departed ascend into heaven.

The curious tradition, which sees the caskets stacked in caves on the steep cliffs of Anshun, in southwest China's Guizhou Province, is believed to have been practised since ancient times.

In one of cave alone there are more than 500 coffins stacked, layer upon layer in various stages of decay. It's been the ‘coffin cave’ for residents surnamed Liu from the neighbouring five villages since ancient times.

Some of the hundreds of thousands of wooden coffins which are left to rot away in Chinese caves

Final journeys: Some of the hundreds of thousands of wooden coffins which are left to rot away in Chinese caves in the belief it will let the souls of the departed enter heaven

In one of cave alone there are more than 500 coffins stacked, layer upon layer or residents surnamed Liu from the neighbouring five villages

In one of cave alone there are more than 500 coffins stacked, layer upon layer, of residents surnamed Liu from the neighbouring five villages

According to local folk stories, the people who live in the area moved from the plains in central China to mountainous Guizhou Province many centuries ago to avoid war.1

One legend maintains that because they hoped to one day move back to their homeland they didn’t bury their dead but instead stacked their coffins in the caves.

According to other stories the tradition started because the area is often subject to floods and the coffins were stored in caves to prevent them from being affected.

Being in caves also means that the coffins are closer to the sky and therefore closer to heaven.

The coffins are left in the caves to rot, which, according to belief, allows the souls to go to heaven

Custom: The coffins are left in the caves to rot, which, according to belief, allows the souls to go to heaven

Legend: According to local folk stories, the people who live in the area moved from the plains in central China to mountainous Guizhou Province to avoid war

Legend: According to local folk stories, the people who live in the area moved from the plains in central China to mountainous Guizhou Province to avoid war

According to local belief, by letting the coffins to slowly rot away, the departed souls will be allowed to go to heaven

According to local belief, by letting the coffins rot away over many years the departed souls will be allowed to ascend into the heavens

The tradition is also believed to have started because the area is often subject to floods and the coffins were stored in caves to prevent them from being affected

The tradition is also believed to have started because the area is often subject to floods and the coffins were stored in caves to prevent them from being affected

Some of the thousands of wooden coffins slowly rotting away in the cave in China's Guizhou Province

Some of the thousands of wooden coffins slowly rotting away in the cave in China's Guizhou Province

Some believe that being in caves also means the coffins are closer to the sky and therefore closer to heaven

Some locals believe that by being in caves, the coffins are closer to the sky and therefore closer to heaven

The coffins are stored in caves in the steep cliffs in Anshun, southwest China's Guizhou Province

The coffins are stored in caves in the steep cliffs in Anshun, southwest China's Guizhou Province

Monday 27 July 2020

Sweden: the One Chart That Matters

Mike Whitney – The Unz Review July 25, 2020

While the Covid-19 epidemic continues to drag on in the United States, it’s largely over in Sweden where fatalities have dropped to no more than 2 deaths per day for the last week. Sweden has been harshly criticized in the media for not imposing draconian lockdowns like the United States and the other European countries. Instead, Sweden implemented a policy that was both conventional and sensible. They recommended that people maintain a safe distance between each other and they banned gatherings of 50 people or more. They also asked their elderly citizens to isolate themselves and to avoid interacting with other people as much as possible. Other than that, Swedes were encouraged to work, exercise and get on with their lives as they would normally even though the world was still in the throes of a global pandemic.
The secret of Sweden’s success is that its experts settled on a strategy that was realistic, sustainable and science-based. The intention was never to “fight” the virus which is among the most contagious infections in the last century, but to protect the old and vulnerable while allowing the young, low-risk people to circulate, contract the virus, and develop the antibodies they’d need to fight similar pathogens in the future. It’s clear now that that was the best approach. And while Sweden could still experience sporadic outbreaks that might kill another 2 to 300 people, any recurrence of the infection in the Fall or Winter will not be a dreaded “Second Wave”, but a much weaker flu-like event that will not overwhelm the public health system or kill thousands of people.
As we’ve noted before, the media has been particularly vicious in their criticism of Sweden’s approach which they’ve characterized as overly “relaxed.” Check out this sampling of recent headlines:
  • Sweden becomes an example of how not to handle COVID-19, CBS News
  • Lack of Lockdown Increased COVID-19 Deaths in Sweden, U of V Newsroom
  • Sweden Has Become the World’s Cautionary Tale, New York Times
  • Sweden Stayed Open And More People Died Of Covid-19, But The Real Reason May Be Something Darker, Forbes
  • Sweden hoped herd immunity would curb COVID-19. Don’t do what we did. It’s not working. USA Today
  • Sweden’s coronavirus death toll is now approaching zero, but experts are warning others not to hail it as a success, Business Insider
  • Lack of COVID-19 Lockdown Increased Deaths in Sweden, Analysis Conclude, Virginia edu
  • Sweden COVID-19 Deaths Linked to Failure to Lockdown as Country Prepares for Second Wave, Newsweek
  • Sweden Tries Out a New Status: Pariah State, New York Times
As you can see, the media has taken a very hardline with Sweden. But, why? What has Sweden done that has provoked such a hostile response?
Nothing, really, they’ve just shrugged off the repressive stay-at-home orders and pursued their own independent policy. The Swedish approach stands in stark contrast to the lockdowns which are costly, ineffective and socially damaging. Here’s an excerpt from an article at The Evening Standard that underscores these very points:
Lockdowns made little difference to the number of people who have died from coronavirus, a study has claimedResearchers from the University of Toronto and University of Texas found that whether a country was locked down or not was “not associated” with the Covid-19 death rate.
Experts compared mortality rates and cases in 50 badly-hit countries up until May 1 and calculated that only 33 out of every million people had died from the virus…The study found that imposing lockdown measures succeeded in stopping hospitals becoming overwhelmed, but it did not translate into a significant reduction in deaths.
“Government actions such as border closures, full lockdowns, and a high rate of Covid-19 testing were not associated with statistically significant reductions in the number of critical cases or overall mortality,” the study, published in the Lancet online journal EClinicalMedicine, said.”
(Coronavirus lockdown ‘made no difference to number of deaths but stopped hospitals being overwhelmedEvening Standard)
Bottom line: Lockdowns don’t work, but the media continues to support them. Why?
Because the media is owned by elites who see lockdowns as an effective way to exert greater control over the population. The real issue is power, not efficacy or saving lives. The Swedish model undermines this effort by providing a viable alternative that challenges lockdowns and leads countries out of crisis. That’s why Sweden has been treated with such open hostility, because elites see crisis management as a useful tool for making the structural changes they want to impose on the political and economic systems. Billionaire oligarchs do not see crises as ‘periods of intense disorder or distress’, but golden opportunities that can be exploited to their advantage.
Sweden is also criticized for its fatality rate which is higher than some but lower than others. As of today, the number Coronavirus deaths in Sweden is 5,667 which is considerably higher than its neighbors in Norway and Denmark but lower than Belgium, Italy, France, the UK and Spain. In other words, Sweden is somewhere in the middle of the pack. Interestingly, Sweden compares quite well to poorly-governed states in the US with similar-sized populations. Take a look:
  • Sweden: No Lockdown
    Population of 10.2 million
    Coronavirus deaths –5,667
  • Lockdown State#1: New York City (Democrat Governor, Andrew Cuomo)
    Population– 8.3 million
    Coronavirus deaths– 32,133 (5 and a half time more than Sweden with 2 million less people)
  • Lockdown State#2: New Jersey (another Democrat governor, Phil Murphy)
    Population– 9.2 million (1 million less than Sweden)
    Coronavirus deaths– 15,684 (nearly 3 times as many as Sweden with a smaller population.)
  • Lockdown State#3: Massachusetts (another Democrat Governor, Charlie Baker)
    Population– 6.9 million #.3 million less than Sweden)
    Coronavirus deaths– 8,380 (1 and a half times Sweden’s total with 3 million less people.)
These are the real Coronavirus losers, the three states that are run by liberal governors who imposed counterproductive lockdowns that collapsed their economies, killed tens of thousands of people, and did nothing to staunch the spread of the infection. In contrast, Sweden has weathered the storm nicely, built up the public’s innate immunity and put the economy back on the road to recovery. Take a look:
“Unlike most European countries, Sweden didn’t impose strict lockdown measures. Now it’s reaping the rewards — economically speaking, at least. A report from Capital Economics published on Tuesday found that the Swedish economy was the least harmed in Europe, describing it as the “best of a bad bunch.”
Though Sweden was not immune to the pandemic’s economic impact, it was the only major economy to grow in the first quarter of the year, the report noted….
“The Swedish economy has weathered Covid well, thanks in part to the government’s light-touch lockdown, and our forecast of a 1.5% drop in GDP this year is well above consensus,” the economists Andrew Kenningham, David Oxley, and Melanie Debono wrote.” (Sweden weathers 2020’s economic storm better than anywhere elseBusiness Insider)
Readers might want to compare the facts about Sweden’s economy with the spurious claims made by New York Times. Here’s an excerpt from a piece titled “Sweden Has Become the World’s Cautionary Tale”:
“Not only have thousands more people died (in Sweden) than in neighboring countries that imposed lockdowns, but Sweden’s economy has fared little better.
“They literally gained nothing,” said Jacob F. Kirkegaard, a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington. “It’s a self-inflicted wound, and they have no economic gains.”…
The elevated death toll resulting from Sweden’s approach has been clear for many weeks. What is only now emerging is how Sweden, despite letting its economy run unimpeded, has still suffered business-destroying, prosperity-diminishing damage, and at nearly the same magnitude of its neighbors.”…In short, Sweden suffered a vastly higher death rate while failing to collect on the expected economic gains.” (“Sweden Has Become the World’s Cautionary Tale”New York Times)
Huh? So, Sweden “gained nothing”, says the Times? Really??
As the report from Business Insider confirms, the Swedish economy “was the least harmed in Europe”, the “best of the bunch” (and) “the only major economy to grow in the first quarter of the year, the report.” Sweden is progressively ramping up its activity while the United States is still stuck in the mud. The Times is deliberately misleading its readers to continue its war on Sweden. That’s not journalism, it’s agenda-driven propaganda.
Did you know that the Swedish infectious disease expert Johan Giesecke warned leaders in the lockdown countries that cases and deaths would rise sharply when the lockdowns were lifted?
One would assume that our leaders would be smart enough to figure that out before hand and tweak the policy accordingly, but that didn’t happen. So, now, when Fall rolls around and the deaths begin to mount, then what??
Then the state governors will re-impose the same onerous restrictions that were in place before which will increase unemployment and intensify the deepening economic slump. Meanwhile, Sweden will be in the process of rebooting its economy, putting people back to work, and enjoying the benefits that accrue from independent thinking and strong leadership. This is from an article at Reuters:
Sweden’s top epidemiologist said on Tuesday a rapid decline in new critical COVID-19 cases alongside slowing death rates indicated that Sweden’s strategy for slowing the epidemic… was working. Chief epidemiologist Anders Tegnell of the public health agency said a rapid slowdown in the spread of the virus indicated very strongly that Sweden had reached relatively widespread immunity…
“It really is yet another sign that the Swedish strategy is working,” Tegnell said. It is possible to slow contagion fast with the measures we are taking in Sweden.”(Swedish epidemiology boss says questioned COVID-19 strategy seems to be workingReuters)
Of course “it’s working”. Why wouldn’t it work? Our species has survived thousands of years thanks to our complex and adaptive immunity system that develops protective antibodies and killer T-cells that fight off flues, viruses and all-manner of harmful infectious diseases with or without vaccines. This is the brilliance of Sweden’s strategy, to allow the infection to spread among the country’s healthier, low-risk members until the virus petered-out from lack of any new hosts.
And now the strategy has worked. Common sense has prevailed. This is from Bloomberg News:
“Sweden’s top health authority says people who have had the novel coronavirus are likely to be immune for at least six months after being infected, whether they’ve developed antibodies or not….A recent study from King’s College London showed that the level of antibodies may drop to a degree that makes them undetectable as soon as three months after infection. However, the body also mounts other forms of immunity responses, including from so-called T-cells, which appear to play an important role in protecting against reinfection with Covid-19.
Research from Sweden’s Karolinska Institute has indicated that about twice as many people infected by Covid-19 have developed a T-cell mediated immunity response as those who have a detectable level of antibodies.
“The risk of being reinfected and of transmitting the disease to other people is probably very close to zero,” Tegnell said. ..” Sweden “probably” has achieved a fairly high rate of immunity, which he predicts will protect his country from new outbreaks.
“The upshot is that the epidemic is now slowing down very drastically, in a way that I think few of us would have thought a few weeks ago,” he said. ”(Sweden Says Covid Immunity Can Last 6 Months After InfectionBloomberg)
What does it all mean?
It means that probably only 1 in every 7 people will contract the virus regardless of their exposure. It means that a greater portion of the population have natural immunity than we thought. It means that antibody testing does not tell the whole story but that T-cells and cross-immunity also prevent transmission to otherwise healthy people. It means that Covid-19 is not the Black Plague that’s going to live up to the manipulative hype that has been used to precipitate the biggest social, economic and political crisis of the last century. It means that the idiot lockdowns did not prevent new cases and deaths but merely postponed them to a later date.
It means that Sweden was on the right track from the very beginning and is rapidly returning to normal while the US sinks deeper into a crisis of its own making.
Bravo, Sweden!

Saturday 4 July 2020

We all know what is coca-cola and how much familiar we are with the term. 95% of the time whenever we have a soft drink outside, it is of this Beverage Company. It became so much popularised in the late 20th Century that it ruled the Global Market for decades before the invention of software giants and online product based companies. But do you know how it all started, and it was never that what it meant to be? You have seen the success of this company but never looked back at its history. So, sit with patience and go through this interesting blog if you want to know the exciting story of this Softdrink Giant.

‘Coca-cola’ – the term comes from two of its original ingredients used to prepare it in the late 19th Century, which are: coca leaves, and kola nuts (a source of caffeine). It was originally intended as a patent medicine by John Stith Pemberton from Columbus, Georgia and sold the product as a Medicinal Beverage. Coca-cola was first sold at Jacob’s Pharmacy in Atlanta, Georgia, on May 8, 1886, where it was initially sold for five cents a glass. During that time it was believed in the United States that carbonated water was good for the health and Pemberton claimed his new drink to be a cure for many diseases, including morphine addiction, indigestion, nerve disorders, headaches, and impotence. Pemberton’s bookkeeper Frank M. Robinson was credited naming the products and creating its logo. John left Robinson to make, promote, as well as sell Coca-Cola on his own.
In 1889, American Businessman Asa Griggs Candler purchased the Coca-cola formula and brand from Pemberton’s heirs with the intent to advertise and sell it as a Beverage to regular customers. In 1892, the Coca-cola company was formally founded in Atlanta by Candler. Under Mr Candler’s leadership, distribution of Coca-Cola expanded to soda fountains beyond Atlanta. By 1895, Coca-cola was being sold in every state in the union. Coca-Cola’s first ad read “Coca Cola. Delicious! Refreshing! Exhilarating! Invigorating!” As of 1948, Coca-Cola had claimed about 60% of the Market Share. In 1919, the company was sold to Ernest Woodruff’s Trust Company of Georgia. By 1984, The Coca-Cola Company’s Market share decreased to 21.8% due to new competitors, namely Pepsi, being released.
The 10 business decisions over the last 130 years which transformed Coca-cola from a startup beverage served in a small Atlanta Pharmacy to one of the world’s most recognizable brands:

  • 1886 – 1940s: Coke for a Nickel
Coca-cola’s earliest leaders believed that their product should be affordable and available everywhere. To achieve this, the company held the price of coke to Five cents – or one nickel – for almost 70 years. Despite the impact of two world wars and the Great Depression, the company insisted that the trial and acceptance of its product could best be maximized by making Coca-cola a beverage affordable to everyone. This steady price contributed to increasing consumer demand for the product, which in turn caused bottlers to buy more syrup to produce the product.

  • 1894: Invention of the Sample Coupon
Despite being a great-tasting product, Coca-Cola’s existence was unknown to many consumers outside the South-eastern United States. To address this Asa G. Candler, who purchased the recipe for Coca-Cola from inventor John Pemberton in 1888, started giving away free sample coupons to anyone who would try a sip of a Coke. From 1894 through 1913, more than 8.5 million sample coupons were redeemed for a free Coca-Cola. And by this time one out of every nine Americans had tried Coca-Cola.

  • 1899: Birth of the Coca-Cola System
As the beverage industry underwent an era of immense change and competition in the late 1800s, Candler focused on expanding distribution. By selling the rights to bottle Coca-Cola more broadly, he aimed to create nationwide demand for his product. In 1899, Candler sold the bottling rights for Coca-Cola to three enterprising businessmen Benjamin F. Thomas, Joseph B. Whitehead and John Lupton in Chattanooga, Tennessee for just $1, forming what today is known as the Coca-Cola system. A franchise partnership between the Coca-Cola company and more than 250 bottlers worldwide, this system has extended Coca-Cola’s reach far beyond what Candler ever imagined – now with sales in more than 200 countries.

  • 1915: Launch of the Iconic ‘Contour’ Bottle
Almost immediately after its launch, Coca-Cola faced an enormous number of “lookalikes” attempting to imitate its success. To confront this, Coca-Cola challenged glass companies to create a new bottle design that was so distinct that it could be recognised when broken on the ground or by touch in the dark. In 1915, inspired by the shape of the cocoa pod, the Root Glass Company created what is now known as the contour bottle to distinguish Coke from its peers. Now more than 100 years old, the contour bottle has become a celebrated and instantly recognizable icon around the world.

  • The 1940s: Coca-Cola During Wartime
During World War II, Coca-Cola President Robert Woodruff believed that every American serviceman and woman should have a Coke at their disposal for five cents, no matter where they were or the cost to the company. A group of employees known as Technical Observers were dispatched with the American army to set up, supervise and monitor the operations of bottling units that would distribute Coca-Cola to U.S. Troops abroad. Woodruff’s vision during this critical period in American history helped establish Coke as a global corporation by introducing the product to different markets. In addition to its global impact, this act instilled a level of brand loyalty among troops and families within America whose love and support for the product lasted for generations.

  • Diversification: Minute Maid, Sprite, TaB and Fresca
The purchase of The Minute Maid Corporation in 1960 marked the company’s first venture outside of carbonated beverages. At the time of this purchase, Minute Maid accounted for a third of the sales in the juice category in the United States and had developed a reputation for the quality of its product. This investment was a key step for Coca-Cola expanding and diversifying its portfolio in the years to follow. Following the successful acquisition of Minute Maid, over the next few years, Coca-Cola introduced Sprite, the company’s first lemon-lime drink; TaB, its first diet drink; and Fresca, a sugar-free citrus drink. Since then, The Coca-Cola Company has grown to offer more than 3,800 drinks across a wide range of categories. In 2015 alone, the company launched more than 600 new products.

  • 1982: Diet Coke
In the late 1970s, Coca-Cola began developing a new drink that would reignite cola sales and satisfy an increasing appetite from consumers for low-calorie drinks. In 1982, to great Fanfare, the Company introduced Diet Coke as the first extension of the Coca-Cola trademark. Although there were initial concerns that a new diet drink would diminish the trademark, within a year of Diet Coke’s launch, it became the nation’s top sugar-free beverage. The introduction of Diet Coke was an important milestone for the company because it started a new period that prompted the company to take risks in introducing unique new drinks to meet customers’ changing needs.

  • 1985: New Coke
In an attempt to revitalize the Cola market in 1985, The Coca-Cola Company removed its Flagship product from the market to introduce New Coke, marking the first formula change in 99 years. Although the introduction of New Coke was first deemed as the business blunder of the century, some analysts considered it to be an accidental stroke of Marketing genius. Amid negative media coverage, protests, letters, phone calls and consumers trying to fill their cabinets with as much original Coke as possible, an emotional connection was discovered between the Coca-Cola brand and its consumers. Announcing the return of the original Coke formula at a press conference, Don Keough, then president and Chief operating officer stated, “The passion for original Coke was something that caught the company by surprise.” After the restoration of the original formula to Coca-Cola Classic, it re-emerged as the leading soft drink in America.

  • Late 1990s-early 2000s: Becoming a Total Beverage Company
In the late 1990s, Coca-Cola began talking about a transformation from being predominately a sparkling beverage company to becoming a ‘total beverage company’. A number of early product launches quickly captured the growing consumer market for non-carbonated drinks, especially in the U.S. market. Dasani launched as the company’s primary U.S. water brand in 1999 followed by the launch of Simply juices in 2001, Gold Peak teas in 2006 and the acquisition of vitamin-water and smartwater in 2007. Today, each of these brands rank among the company’s 21 brands that each generate more than $1 billion in retail sales annually.

  • Now and into the Future: Keeping Up with Consumer Trends
Today, as consumers continue to demand new and exciting beverage choices around the world, the company is finding new ways to tap into growing trends by taking ownership positions in fast-growing beverage brands. In 2007, Coca-Cola North America launched its Venturing and Emerging Brands(VEB) unit to seek out and identify the next generation of billion-dollar brands that the company can add to its portfolio. VEB acts as a part venture capitalist and part brand incubator that has acquired or invested in brands that include Honest Tea, Zico, Suja and Core Power.

Outside the United States, the company also has continued to acquire or invest in brands that respond to the explosion of beverage choices now available to consumers worldwide. Recently announced global acquisitions or investments have included AdeS, brand in Latin America; Chi Limited, a successful West African producer of dairy and juice beverages; and China Culliangwang, a maker of plant-based protein drinks made from high-quality agricultural sources

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